Very soon will be the birthday of my mother in law and I really want to surprise her with something nice. She is very tall so is not easy for her to find the right garments. I knew that if I had to sew for her I should alter the patterns and I didn't know if I would find the strength to do that courage to do that. Also I could not measure her properly or do some fitting at some point because I wanted all to be a surprise. I was still trying to decide what do brainstorming for ideas that had some odds to success like some easy skirt maybe but I knew she wanted pants more... but those are not easy to get right without proper fitting ... when I fond Simplicity 1808 Misses' Sportswear pattern in my stash. I had it for a while but I never payed attention to it. I was hardy aware I even hat it since I didn't actually buy it ; it was a gift coming along with other purchases I made. The pants had enough ease and the elastic waistband made it look like it could be possible to get some decent fit in my situation and the top was not bad at all either.

I was on a very tight deadline so I worked like a maniac for a day and a half with breaks just to eat drink or read some review of the pattern once more and 4 hours of sleep.
I traced size 16 just to be sure it will fit. now I know that for pants 14 might have been better. I knew The top should have more length at both waist and sleeve/shoulder areas. The waist was kind of obvious line since it was marked but what should I do to have more room for the shoulders and sleeve? I decided to add some extra just below the collar line so I will only have to change the front and back patterns for the top not the collar pieces too. here is a picture with this changes: (
+ 2cm under the neck line and
+3cm at the waist line)
As you can also note I used a knit with stripes and I cut the pattern on the bias . Although I am a big fan of making my own rules I had enough failures to know that sometimes is better to take into account the pattern recommendations. They suggested a double stretch knit and mine was only one way stretch. I was afraid it will not be comfortable to wear it so I thought the bias will give it more ease and also I just love the cool V effect of stripes on bias. That's why I cut the front piece in 2 as well resulting in one extra seam in the middle. For the top collar I didn't want to go with the same fabric that was very thin and unraveling. I used the stretch cotton fabric I was intending for the pants and added some lace embroidery tape decoration. The result was not bad at all. I really like my top better then the pattern envelop:

For the pants I added 13.5 cm in length and also slightly widened them under the knee line with 2-3cm. The reviews I read on the elastic waistband were not very promising, my head was spinning for the instructions in only French and German ( my German in zero and my French was very good in high-school that there is quite some time since then without speaking or reading so ... )... I decided to draft my own waistband : straight in the back and sides , slight curved in front. I kept the 2 elastic band idea. They look pack then a single one. Also I used the same lace decoration from the top neck to the side pockets, hem and frontal part of the waistband skipping the bow that would have only added to volume to an already big waist.Here are some details at the waist and pockets:
The result was just so much better that I anticipated. I really did not dare to dream so far. The fit was almost perfect. I only had to take 1 cm from the side on the pockets level and we were all set.
I could have not been happier seeing her glow and enjoying the new outfit.
I really enjoyed the pattern and I feel tempted to try something for myself as well. I highly
recommend you this pattern so far.