I started assembling the printed pages on Tuesday and I liked so much how the cost was coming together that I couldn't stop working on it whenever I could find a free minute. I changed on the last moment the collar and decided to do the interior an the parts that get in contact with the baby skin in soft fleece. This coat is the size 80 option and I also modified the lining to better mach the back.
I 1st intended to live the simple butterfly applique but then when I did it again separately for the boots I found it interesting to change the coat as well and sewed one butterfly on top of the original one for a 3D effect:
I then did a pair of boots that were to small and had to redo and 2 pieces for the head since the 1st one seemed to busy and didn't like it that much:

I am very happy with the end result and my little girls sure turned some heads in the park.
And she was a bit tired after all the photos and attention: