Monday, July 27, 2015

My Short Sleeve Jackets with Plunging Neckline - Burda 04/2015 #107

This "jacket" got my attention in the Burda a while ago and I wanted to try it. Now I don't know why since I already know peplum looks terrible on me but this didn't looked like peplum to me until it was ready.
I really liked the fact that is a very easy pattern. The 2 dots seems a little to much to me. The only tricky part was to clip all that curved seam allowances so I can iron it properly. And maybe the attachment of the skirt is not that easy also.
Note that this pattern has tons of ease. I traced the smallest size and it is still loose on me.
I even did a muslin from the gray fabric and then realized I didn't had enough to cut the lower band as well but I really liked it like that. It makes a really cute short top and I actually wear it.

 I wanted to try plaids for the "official version" and I thought cutting skirt on bias would be fun. And it was. It looks good on the dress form and on someone taller and with a better defined waist but on me is just terrible so I gave it away.



  1. Nu arata chiar atat de rau pe tine primul model, mie imi place, dar tu stii mai bine. Da, nu stiu ce sa spun, mie nu mi se pare oribila nici cea de-a doua varianta. Interesant este ( multumesc pentru mentionare) ca am scos si eu modelul, dar nu am avut timp sa-l tai. Nu am facut niciodata marimea asta pentru persoane inalte 71 sau 72 cum e modelul asta, deci cred ca trebuie sa fac modificari. Eu alesesem un material jerse, moale. Mi s-a parut si mie ca e usor modelul, dar se pare ca e inselator. Oricum e o experienta. spor la lucru.

    1. Prima e chiar ok tinand cont ca e un cupon la 5 lei de la Sahara si am facut-o intr-o mare graba sa vad mai mult daca are sens sa sa cos modelul asta. A doua e o doar ca pe mine ma dejavantajeaza rau astea cu peplum ca ma fac mica si indesata.
